INFOCUS Collectives
Do you have a vision to make disciples that make disciples but frustrated that something so important seems to be so difficult?
Do you have a passion to plant churches that plant churches but unsure what the next step is in that process?
Are you frustrated when you hear how it is working “over there” but NOT here?
One church planter was curious how other planters were experiencing movements of disciples making disciples into the third and fourth generation. So he interviewed these planters and asked them what they had learned? From his research, two important insights surfaced:
- A simple, reproducible disciplemaking process.
- A relational, self-discovery process focused on the disciple taking action.
With these two lessons in mind, he began to equip his team. A few years into the initiative to shift their approach to disciplemaking, his group has moved the metrics that matter in a positive direction. More people are engaged in intentional disciplemaking relationships AND the amount of time it takes to plant churches has accelerated.
COLLECTIVES are focused learning intensives to train you, and the leaders you are empowering, in the best practices of disciplemaking, leadership development and church planting. The three environments of coaching, group interaction and personal application round-out the Collective.

grow leadership
Assess & take action!

develop leaders
Coach your leaders in new skills.

launch new Teams
Launch teams to reproduce your ministry.
Meet four times as a Collective for 60-minutes each for a total of four (4) contact hours.
Meet six times with your Coach Mentor for 60-minutes each for a total of six (6) contact hours.
In-between participate in the Collective By-Invitation-Only FaceBook Group.
STARTS April 2020
Leadership Development
STARTS April 2020
Personal Calling
STARTS June 2020
Church Planting
STARTS September 2019