
Disciplemaking has been organized into two distinct categories. First, to coach pre-Christians in their discipleship journey are the Making Disciples resources. Second, to coach existing Christians in their discipleship journey are the Obedient Discipleship resources.

Another way to distinguish the two resources is that the Making Disciples resources begin in the harvest with people who are not currently in your church and the Obedient Discipleship resources begin with people already in your church. Both include a storyboard and coaching guide that provide a pathway with key questions to chart the disciplemaking journey.  



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Making Disciples

Making Disciples Storyboard – Ministry Specific (PDF)

Foundational to the future of the church is the intentional development of disciples whose lives are established on the principles of loving God, loving others and making disciples. Although discipleship is far from a linear process, without a clear pathway many people flounder in their faith and never experience the exciting journey of becoming a disciple and making disciples. The journey set out in this Storyboard will help individuals walk through the process of connecting, growing, serving and reproducing as disciples of Jesus.

Making Disciples Coaching Guide – Ministry Specific (PDF)

This Ministry Specific Storyboard-based Coaching Guide on Making Disciples is a 52-page resource which a coach can use with an individual or group. The guide includes coaching info and guided questions for each ‘behavioral indicator’ of each ‘frame’ of the storyboard. One copy of the storyboard is included with this item.

As You Go: Make Disciples – Ministry Specific (PDF)

When we encounter the words disciple/discipleship, we interpret these words through our individual set of glasses or our way of viewing reality. The aim of this book is to broaden that reality by looking at this area through a different set of lenses. This will inevitably cause some discomfort and disorientation for a time until we adjust and discover our view is now clearer. My hope is that the Holy Spirit will grab your attention and engage your heart because as we look at the word “discipleship”, it needs to be through new lenses that consider the continuous whole of life response of a person to Jesus Christ. Everything a person believes and does is an aspect of discipleship.

Obedient Disciple

Obedient Discipleship Storyboard – Ministry Specific (PDF)

This One Page Coach Ministry-Specific Storyboard on Obedient Discipleship is designed as an intentional process to establish the principles of loving God, loving others and making disciples as central in the life of the individual. Without a clear pathway, many people flounder in their faith and never experience the exciting journey of becoming a disciple and making disciples.

Obedient Discipleship: Coach Guide with Storyboard – Ministry Specific (PDF)

This Ministry Specific Storyboard-based Coaching Guide on Obedient Discipleship is a 28-page resource which a coach can use with an individual or group. The guide includes coaching info and guided questions for each behavioral indicator’ of each ‘frame’ of the storyboard. One copy of the Storyboard is included with this Coaching Guide.