Lead Pastor of Access Church, Brian Wilson
Brian shares his experience with the Leadership Collective and how you can benefit.
Regional Leader of the Reformed Church, Glenn Spyksma
Glenn shares his “Why?” for the Leadership Collective for himself and leaders in his region.
develop the leaders around you

Provide relational support for leaders.

develop leaders
Assess & train leaders in new skills.

deploy Teams
Launch teams to reproduce your ministry.

2-day Retreat
La Jolla, CA: March 20-22, 2022
3 Group Sessions
Three ZOOM sessions as a full group for 2-hours each.
Session #1: May 9, 2022
Session #2: July 11, 2022
Session #3: September 12, 2022
All times are: Mondays @ 9am PST (10am MST/11am CST/noon EST)
7 Triad Sessions
Meet seven times with your Coach Mentor + a colleague for 60-minutes each. FIRST Triad Coaching Session will occur prior to the first FULL GROUP session.
* Dates and times, to-be-determined.
Covid-19 UPDATE
InFocus will do everything within our ability to meet and exceed regulations so people are safe, remain healthy and have a peace of mind. If we are unable to secure the meeting facilities needed by July 2021 we will move the live, face-to-face event in La Jolla to a virtual Zoom event. We will communicate the adjusted cost and the modified agenda with all interested participants.
Gary has consistently encouraged me to discover what God wants me to do and he has helped me to do it. Now he is inspiring me to help others do the same. If you need to get to the next level of your leadership, call Gary today!
Having the opportunity to work with Micah has been a benefit to myself and to the ministry of Hope Church. Micah serves as an effective coach in that he asks good questions and resists the temptation to tell me what to do. He allows me to process the most pressing issues at Hope Church and prioritize the next steps in order to accomplish our overall goals. If you get the opportunity, I would highly recommend having Micah serve as your coach.
I have worked with InFocus and Gary Reinecke as part of two denominations over the span of more than a decade. His systematic approach to coaching, equipping, and training is both user friendly and powerful. The skill Gary adds to every interaction is transformative in how it provides clarity and effectively reveals next steps and brings the path to your ultimate goals in focus!
Every leader needs a coach like Gary. Whether by his capability for nearly mystical insight, his talent for asking incisive questions, or his genuinely encouraging nature, Gary has played a major role in my becoming a better leader and a more healthy pastor.
Here are the key areas we will cover:
- Loving God
- Loving others
- Making disciples
- Ministry involvement and focus
- Gift discovery
- Leadership development
- Effective leadership
- Multiplying groups and ministry teams
- Multiplying ministries
- Multiplying movements
Cost – $2,867 per participant includes:
2-day Retreat –La Jolla, CA
Three, 2-hour Group Sessions
Seven, 60-minute Triad Sessions
Leadership Multiplication Storyboard
Coaching Tool Annual subscription
Downloadable Flyer

DR. Gary Reinecke
Empowering leaders worldwide to start and reproduce healthy churches.
- Doctor of Ministry – Fuller Theological Seminary
- Master Certified Coach with ICF in 2018.
- Certified Harrison Assessment De-briefer
- Trains leaders world-wide in the coaching process and skills
- Coaching 101 Handbook and Developing Coaching Excellence.
- Logged over 10,000 hours coaching multiplication leaders worldwide
Gary and his wife Gina live in Southern CA and have two young adult children, Joel and Zoe. As a family they love to explore the outdoors, hiking and traveling. Gary loves mountain biking and following his favorite English Premier League Football Clubs.

Rev. Micah Dodson
Serving a wave of new, multiplying churches that are reaching people for Christ.
- Missional Coach – Infocus
- Certified Huddle Leader and Training Facilitator – 3DM Ministries
- Church Planting Assessment Director
- Lead Planter & Pastor of 2 new church plants
- Church Planter Bootcamp Director – Alliance NW Church Planting
- Bootcamp Director – Western Church Planting Alliance
Micah and Kristen have three adult children (and bird dogs – wire haired pointers). As a family they love to explore the outdoors, listen to and play music, and make food from around the globe. Micah loves bird hunting, fishing, rock climbing, trail running, and playing and fixing guitars.