Coaching other people is an increasingly critical skill and one that can make the major difference in an individual’s ability to empower people successfully. The Coaching Effectiveness Profile provides a comprehensive process for assessing an individual’s capacity to coach others. This is done by measuring the respondent’s coaching ability in the seven categories listed below:
- Empathising ability
- Listening skills
- Capacity to confront and challenge
- Problem-solving ability
- Feedback giving skills
- Capacity to empower
- Mentoring skills
By rating themselves on a scale of 1-5, participants can quickly determine their relative strength in each category. Participants plot their scores onto a histogram chart that quickly shows where efforts to improve should be concentrated in the future. Detailed interpretation notes are included for each category, including improvement actions for low scorers. At the end of the profile, a personal action planning sheet is included so that individuals can make progressive improvements.
Author: Jon Warner
Publisher: Team Publications
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