Learning Style Storyboard


Ministry Specific Resource (PDF)

Katalógové číslo: WCOD-SBLSA Kategórie: ,


Storyboards provide a visual „line of sight“ through a development topic. This ministry-specific storyboard on Learning addresses the following Development Outcomes and Learning Objectives.Development Outcomes

Development Outcomes

  • Identify the four stages of Context, Reliance, Perception and Synthesis.
  • Understand the ‘climate’ or context which learning is attempted can make a significant difference.
  • Learn what level of learning support and assistance are of most use to you.
  • Recognize the difference between left and right-brained perceptions.

Storyboard Headings

  • The mood and environment
  • The methodology and structure
  • The motivation
  • The parameters
  • Interactive dependency
  • Level of expertise
  • Left brain bias
  • Right brain bias
  • Learning perspectives
  • Information evaluation process
  • Awareness and strategy


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