Team Building Effectiveness Profile


Ministry Specific Resource (PDF)

Katalógové číslo: WCOD-ITBEP Kategórie: ,


Well before any attempt has been made to build a team’s skills, it is critical to understand the stages through which a typical team will travel over time. A considerable amount of research has been done on the stages of team growth. This suggests that teams go through four distinct phases: Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing.
This assessment (which takes around 30 minutes to complete) looks at an individual’s ability to effectively build the team using the Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing model, with seven separate categories in all:
  • Vision and direction (Forming)
  • Value alignment n(Forming)
  • Role clarity (Storming)
  • Setting ground rules (Norming)
  • Monitoring systems (Norming)
  • Continuous learning (Performing)
  • Boundary management (Performing).

A total of 84 questions helps individual team members to determine their overall competence in each of these seven areas.

Author: Jon Warner
Publisher: Team Publications
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