by Gary Reinecke | Apr 26, 2017 | Uncategorized |
Walt Disney was a Creative. In his book “The Wisdom of Walt: Leadership Lessons from the Happiest Place on Earyh” by Jeffrey Barnes writes about the dream Walt had of creating a place for his girls to play while sitting on a bench in Griffith Park.
Griffith Park, the ‘Central Park of Los Angeles,’ allows both proximity and perspective. It is nestled high on a hill that sits between downtown L.A., Hollywood, and the Disney Studio in Burbank.
It makes me wonder how ideas come to people. Walt was reflecting, thinking, day-dreaming! Then he began to wonder.
“There should be a place where children and parents can have fun together.” And in that moment, the dream of Disneyland was born.
This is the beginning of a wonderful journey that eventually led to a family-friendly theme park, like not other on the planet. The author continues:
Have you ever done that? Have you ever been sitting somewhere, doing ‘nothing,’ and suddenly, an idea comes to you? An idea “pops” into your head, and your imagination begins to run wild with possibilities. Suddenly, you, like Walt, have a dream.
I believe, along with Dr. Barnes that each of us has the capacity to dream, be creative, innovative. Creativity & Innovation can be nurtured, developed, groomed. There is always room for improvement but the innate ability to think differently than others, is part of our make-up; that is, being made in the image of God.
- Have you wondered how to develop your creativity?
- Are you aware of the skills that facilitate innovation?
- Where would you start if you were interested in growing your creativity & innovation quotient?
A good place to begin is the Innovation & Creativity Profile (scroll down the page to the Creativity menu). You will learn about the 8 skills that facilitate the capacity to dream. And identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you can begin your journey.
by Gary Reinecke | Apr 14, 2017 | Uncategorized |
Correct me if I’m wrong – but the image above represents a picture that many of us have in mind when it comes to creative & innovative thinking.
- a higher level of intelligence
- an experience that triggers a new discovery
- a last name like Jobs, Einstein or Da Vinci (does not hurt).
On the contrary, when you look closely at, you discover a muscle that, when exercised, can achieve extraordinary results.
A leader I was coaching, was contemplating ways to reinforce the missional values of his 7 year-old church. As he brainstormed ideas, the thought of sharing stories rose to the surface. Initially, interviewing people in the congregation, sounded like a good possibility. When challenged to think outside the box, he pondered the power of having an “outsider” (person who had been blessed by the ministry of people from the church) share his/her experience of being on the receiving end. The light bulb went on! This captured“why” the church is doing “what” they are doing. Over time, the “outsiders” inevitably explore the motive behind these selfless acts of kindness that are positively impacting the local parks, athletic teams, schools, business leaders and neighborhoods.
This idea did not come from a higher level of intelligence. Nor was it triggered by some extraordinary experience. By the way, the leader’s last name is Pope. If you would like to develop your muscles, or help those you coach, check-out the Creativity & Innovation Skill Builder under the menu with the same title. Here is the story of tranformation how the Sunnyside High School baseball team was blessed by God’s Generosity through the missional community members (Groves), anchored in Sequoia Church in Fresno, CA.
by Gary Reinecke | Apr 11, 2017 | Uncategorized |
To continue on the theme of disciplemaking movements this year, I propose a guiding question for you and those you coach:
What is getting in your way, to make disciples – who make disciples?
Reflect on that for a moment. What is your next step? …for those you coach?
I look forward to reading your response below.
by Gary Reinecke | Apr 4, 2017 | Church Growth, Church Multiplication, Disciplemaking |
The conversation goes something like this.
Coach asks: “Who is doing effective ministry in your area?”
- Leader responds: “Everyone is struggling with the same issues.”
Coach asks: “What other models of church are you familiar with in your region or in other parts of the country?”
- Leader: “I’m not aware of other models.”
Coach asks: “Who do you know that could introduce you to a different way of doing church?”
- Leader: “I don’t know anyone.”
Coach asks: “Would you be open to learning about one leader who has an effective model?”
And the conversation continues. I use that question as a last resort so that I don’t short-change the self-discovery process. The guiding principle I follow when I provide feedback is:
- The leader must exhaust all their resources.
- There is the possibility the leader could do some real damage.
- Permission has been given by the leader to the coach.
Honestly, the temptation to give advice is always present. But I know deep down that “struggle” is the best teacher!
What do you do when you come to that juncture in your coaching? Under what circumstances do you give advice? I would love to hear what you do.
If you are interested to hear about a different approach to doing church, watch this 17 minute video with Dave Ferguson interviewing Ralph Moore. Ralph discusses some of the tensions accompanying church planting as a movement leader. Learn how a church committed to reproducing disciples, leaders and churches keeps the main thing, the MAIN thing!.