by Gary Reinecke | Dec 29, 2019 | Leader Development |
I want to introduce you to Micah Dodson. We are collaborating for the Leadership Collective 2020. Last week I asked him to tell you about himself, his background in ministry and vision to assess and coach church planters –
CLICK HERE to read more. We have known each other for some time and I thought you would find his motivation for a Leadership Collective inspiring.
The 2020 Leadership Collective will be an important catalyst for leaders that are looking to multiply their influence. Often times leaders get excited about the concepts of multiplication, but are unable to execute at implementation. We know that the harvest is ripe, that we are called to pray for harvest workers, and that we are called to make disciples, but that knowledge can be diluted by the pressures they face day in and day out.
Here are 3 insights Micah shares about the purpose for the Leadership Collective:
- Multiplication is a compelling vision, but leaders need help implementing this all-important principle.
- Multiplication gives way to the “tyranny of the urgent” – leaders lose sit of the big picture.
- Multiplication at all levels of the church, begins with disciplemaking at it’s core.
The Leadership Collective will be a vital input into your leadership that gives you the opportunity to work on your church not just in your church. Through a combination of training times and monthly coaching, we will serve to help you develop a platform of disciplemaking that leads to a culture of leadership development, and eventually results in continuous multiplication. Simply put, the Leadership Collective will help you move multiplication from an aspirational value to a daily practice.
That last statement is worth highlighting. There exists a lot of resources that talk about making the shift from “addition” to “multiplication”. If it was simple then everyone would be doing it. That is WHY we are collaborating on the Leadership Collective.
Who in your network, has a vision to accelerate the process of making disciples and empowering leaders? Please CLICK HERE for more information. Next week I will share what Micah had to say about the type of leaders who will benefit most from a Leadership Collective.
Leadership Make-Over
with Gary Reinecke & Micah Dodson
by Gary Reinecke | Dec 20, 2019 | Leader Development |
I want to introduce you to Micah Dodson, who I am collaborating with for the Leadership Collective 2020. We have known each other for some time and I thought you would find his story interesting and inspiring.
Here are the questions I’ve asked him to respond to:
- Tell us a bit about yourself?
- Why is the Leadership Collective so important for leaders?
- Who would be a good candidate for the Leadership Collective?
This week, he is going to tell you his story.
My name is Micah Dodson. My wife, Kristen and I have been married for 23 years and we have three amazing children, Elijah (22), Hannah (21), and Zeke (18). We live in Vancouver, WA which is a suburb of Portland, OR. During our 23 years of marriage we have lived in the Vancouver, Seattle, and then Vancouver again for the last two years.

An interesting fact about my past was that my first career was in Starbucks Coffee. I started as a barista in college and then moved into management while I was attending seminary. When our fist two kiddos were born (and they are 11 months apart), I moved from being an assistant manager to being a store manager. This job later became a part time management role while I was serving on staff in a church plant.
Another strange fact is that I’m a Buffalo Bills fan, but have only ever lived in the Northwest…. but that’s a story for another time.
Our family has invested the last twenty plus years in the planting of churches. Our calling to church planting came from a prayer that Kristen and I started praying right after we got married. The prayer was asking God to help us find a way to connect our friends who didn’t yet know Jesus to a church. In particular, we asked God what it would look like to be part of a church that cared deeply about people who don’t know Jesus? God answered by connecting us to a church plant. Fast forward 23 years and we have planted in suburban and urban contexts. We have lead attractional churches, parish oriented neighborhood churches, and missional communities. Additionally, we have invested in caring for, assessing, training, and coaching church planters.
Here are 3 reasons I wanted to partner with Micah on the Leadership Collective:
- Micah has a vision to reach people far from God who are not currently in a local church.
- He understands the context of planting in suburban and urban settings along with diverse models.
- Micah understands the bi-vocational nature that more and more church planters must embrace.
Who in your network, has a vision to accelerate the process of making disciples and empowering leaders? Please CLICK HERE for more information. Next week I will share what Micah had to say about the motivation behind the Leadership Collective.
Leadership Make-Over
with Gary Reinecke & Micah Dodson
by Gary Reinecke | Dec 11, 2019 | Leader Development |
From our research on the topic of leadership development, one insight stands out – churches don’t have enough leaders!
Pastors and church planters told us they lack the mentorship and learning communities to develop leaders
LEARNING COMMUNITIES WITH COACHING: 43% of churches report that they lack the mentorship efforts and learning communities necessary to develop great leaders.
That is why we created the Leadership Collective – Cultivating Multiplication in your Leadership Pipeline – CLICK HERE for more information.
by Gary Reinecke | Dec 5, 2019 | Uncategorized |
Thank you for your participation in the leadership survey we conducted in November, 2019.
The results are in and fascinating to study. We asked a Stanford trained Economist to look at the data for his insights. Please CLICK HERE to download the file.
If you have not seen the Taking Your Leadership Pulse webinar from last week, that I co-led with Micah Dodson, and would like to learn about the three leadership principles we presented – CLICK HERE to watch the video.
We also made the outline available; if you are interested in receiving that simply send an e-mail to office@infocusnet,org and indicate LEADERSHIP PULSE in the subject line.
At the end of that webinar we shared an invitation to a Leadership Collective 2020. Our research revealed a common vision shared with lead pastors and church planters – cultivating multiplication in their leadership pipeline. If you would like more information – CLICK HERE.
Thank you again for your participation in the Leadership Survey – I trust the insights will serve you well in 2020!
by Gary Reinecke | Dec 2, 2019 | Uncategorized |
What is the state of your leadership?
One of the greatest challenges church planters and pastors face is the need for more and better leaders.
Join Micah Dodson and me for a 30-minute webinar to discuss three leadership principles to elevate your leadership development process in your church. We have a FREE info-graphic entitled, “Leadership Multiplication in your Church” that we will be sharing at the end, based on the survey data we gathered from participants last month. Please join us on Tuesday morning @ 9am PST/noon EST.
CLICK HERE to find the post on FaceBook.