Here are three common obstacles people face who earnestly want to impact the Kingdom by doing good and making disciples:
- Obstacle #1: Staying true to your values
- Oftentimes a disciple maker initially attempts to follow a prescribed disciple making process that good but not consistent with the values a disciplemaker embraces, for instance, the more relational a person’s temperament the less structured their approach might be to help a person process the next step(s) in their faith journey.
- Obstacle #2: Not bearing the fruit expected
- Oftentimes a disciplemaker has higher expectations than the apprentice of Jesus has for their life that can lead to frustration for both parties.
- Obstacle #3: Connecting with a community of like-minded people
- Oftentimes the disciplemaker is working alone and longs to be connected in a meaningful way with others who are on the same journey to.
Last Friday Micah Dodson and I hosted a 55-minute webinar to present the essential building blocks to build into your disciple making. Here is the slide deck from that presentation – 4DMBB Webinar HO 10.30.20
Now we want to give you the chance to build these 4 Disciple Making Building Blocks into your church culture with an expanded version of what we presented last Friday. We know that this does not happen over night, so we are doing a combination of a 4-hour webinar followed by 4, hour-long coach triads over a 4 month period (December 2020-March 2021). Each triad consists of a coach facilitator and two participants.
Below are the details for both opportunities!
- Description: Orientation + Implementation of the 4 Disciple Making Building Blocks
- Dates:
- 4-hour webinar – November 16, 2020 from 10amPST-2pm PST (1-5pm EST)
- Four, hour-long coach triads over a 4 month period (December 2020-March 2021) – dates TBD with participants
- Cost: Webinar + Coach Triads – $475
CLICK HERE to Register
- Description: Orientation to the 4 Disciple Making Building Blocks
- Dates: November 16, 2020 from 10amPST-2pm PST (1-5pm EST)
- Cost: Webinar ONLY – $250