Last week I mentioned that just before the “lock-down” occurred InFocus launched the Leadership Collective 2020. We met for two days to discuss a comprehensive leadership development pathway to multiply leaders. Since then we have been processing how to refine their leadership pipeline in triads and webinars, beginning with the disciplemaking process the church planters and pastors use.
We will continue to progress through four phases of the leadership pipeline over the months to come:
- Character – Obedient discipleship
- Calling – Focused ministry
- Competency – Effective leadership
- Culture – Continuous multiplication
One shift leaders encounter when they engage disciples in their discipleship journey is the critical ability to listen more and ask thought-provoking questions. Facilitating the disciples’s ability to listen to the Holy Spirit and obey is not something you learn from reading a book. Obedience is hard work! Simply sharing information will engage people at a certain level, but to truly connect on a heart level, leaders keen on multiplying disciples are adopting a coach approach, and training other disciplemakers to do the same.
As a leader, you understand that the quality of your ability to empower others is the most valuable asset you have. Whether you are a pastor, church planter, missionary, denominational executive – empowering people is the common thread we share. That’s why I’m a firm believer that continued education and growth are crucial for long-term success.
As I’ve shared with you in the past, I’ve had an amazing experience attending WBECS – the World Business and Executive Coach Summit. I highly recommend that you take a look at this year’s inspiring lineup and register for their complimentary Pre-Summit classes. About 30,000-40,000 leaders participated in WBECS last year in 138 countries, making this the largest coach training event globally.
Have you been able to register for WBECS?
I know you’re busy, so in case you missed my last email – the complimentary, live-virtual WBECS Pre-Summit officially opens its doors today. They’re kicking off the event with Michael Bungay Stanier (Founder of MBSWorks and Box of Crayons, International Best-Selling Author of The Coaching Habit). He is a bit quirky – but his thoughtful approach to helping people make real change in their life has important applications for disciplemaking!
If I could only choose one session that would help you in your development as a disciple coach – this is the one I’d recommend:
- Easy Change vs Hard Change, Michael Bungay Stanier – Tuesday, May 26th, 2020 6AM PST/9AM EST
Session Description
Key Learning Takeaways:
Seats for the Pre-Summit fill up fast. Check out the full speaker lineup then grab yourself a complimentary seat here.
Expect to learn powerful coaching techniques and the latest developments in the industry. The live classes are focused on delivering pure value with NO sales pitches, making them 100% worth your time.
I’d love for you to join me in learning from the best thought leaders in the world as it pertains to empowering people through coaching.
I can’t wait to see you there!

Gary Reinecke
Executive Director