by Gary Reinecke | Oct 15, 2021 | Coach Training, Uncategorized |
How is Christian coaching different from secular coaching? Below are the differences between International Coaching Federation and Christian Coaching. This week and next, we will share wisdom on the topic, beginning today with this post on the difference in ethical guidelines. Bob Logan is one of the best thinkers in the church planting world and a fantastic coach. We wrote the Coaching 101 Handbook together and our new book Christian Coaching Excellence will be available November 1st! Enjoy this post!
Observation #1: Ethical Guidelines
An excellent beginning
I wholeheartedly support and include all of the International Coaching Federation Ethical Guidelines in the practice of Christian Coaching. In fact, I would suggest that this is a solid foundation to begin the conversation of Christian coaching ethics. Notice the word “begin.” There is more to contribute on the issue of Christian coaching ethics that go beyond what is stated in the ICF Ethical Guidelines and specifically, in the ICF Code of Ethics. As Christian coaches this explanation is insufficient. How so?
Christian Coaches pursue ongoing spiritual growth and go beyond the ICF understanding of the Ethical Guidelines.
Here is what ICF articulates in their Ethical Guidelines:
- Demonstrates personal integrity and honesty in interactions with clients, sponsors and relevant stakeholders
- Is sensitive to clients’ identity, environment, experiences, values and beliefs
- Uses language appropriate and respectful to clients, sponsors and relevant stakeholders
- Abides by the ICF Code of Ethics and upholds the Core Values
- Maintains confidentiality with client information per stakeholder agreements and pertinent laws
- Maintains the distinctions between coaching, consulting, psychotherapy and other support professions
- Refers clients to other support professionals, as appropriate
Further, under the ICF Team Coaching Competencies, ICF integrates the following Ethical Guidelines:
- Coaches the client team as a single entity
- Maintains the distinction between team coaching, team building, team training, team consulting, team mentoring, team facilitation, and other team development modalities
- Demonstrates the knowledge and skill needed to practice the specific blend of team development modalities that are being offered
- Adopts more directive team development modalities only when needed to help the team achieve their goals
- Maintains trust, transparency, and clarity when fulfilling multiple roles related to team coaching
Here is the difference
It leaves out the spiritual dimension. Most coaches recognize some element of this other dimension, but address it differently. In Co-Active Coaching the term used to describe this other dimension is “intuition.” For some secular coaches that would suggest human intuition, or perhaps, the “gut.” For other secular coaches it might infer a “spiritual” force or entity inside or outside the client that connects her/him to a greater purpose. It depends on the individual coach.
However, there exists a completely different paradigm that Christian coaches operate within in contrast to the secular coach. At her/his disposal the secular coach might sense something other… but that something other may or may not be a person. The Christian coach listens for that still soft voice that is the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit– the third person of the Trinity. The focus of the Christian coach is to find ways to cooperate with the Holy Spirit as a coach, and to challenge the client to do the same.
Borrowing terminology from John 15, Christian coaches call this competency Abiding in Christ. This one competency shapes our Christian Coaching Ethics. Implicit to the Christian is the quest for personal growth, through an ongoing relationship with Christ.
- Coaching 101– An introduction to Christian coaching, Coaching 101 will help you discover the power of coaching in your life both as a coach and as someone being coached.
Coaching 101 Handbook- This handbook is packed full of practical ways you can improve your skills in coaching those God has brought your way. You will gain a deeper appreciation of the coaching process and ‘coming alongside’ to help others as you understand the model outlined in these pages.
- 360 Coaching Assessment- Every coach should occasionally step back and assess their coaching skills. The 360-Degree Online Coach Assessment—named for its ability to provide feedback from the range of perspectives—is a research-based assessment tool built around nine core coaching competencies. It’s an effective way to get quick, accurate feedback on a person’s current level of coaching skills.
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Countdown to the launch of a NEW COACHING WEBSITE and the release of Christian Coaching Excellence!
If you missed the announcement of these resources, learn more
by Gary Reinecke | Oct 4, 2021 | Coach Training, Disciplemaking |
Only 1 week to go!
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October 11 is right around the corner, and you know what that means… Our 5 Discipleship Coach Habits Webinar is finally launching! After putting a lot of time and effort in creating this training approach to disciple-making, we are so excited to finally begin this journey with anyone who feels ready to take the next step in their discipleship coaching. The webinar launches on October 11, 2021 from 10am-3pmPST.
For those just joining us now, this is a webinar focused on building five strategic habits that all discipleship coaches need: missional values, active prayer, relational connections, disciple making cycles and strategic partnerships. This webinar is for anyone aspiring to take their disciple-making to the next level: pastor and church leaders, church planters or even just dedicated Christians looking to make a difference in their community. We have been commissioned to share the love of the Lord and discipleship is the best approach to create a sustainable pattern of multiplication. But multiplying churches and followers of Christ is more difficult than ever (only two percent of churches are growing!) and we are here to offer support and guidance to your team of disciple-makers and their disciples. We can always build more awareness of ourselves, learn new ways to reach others and build stronger connections within our teams and with Jesus.
This is a five-hour webinar that will be led by InFocus’s Executive Director Gary Reinecke, and long-time InFocus partner Micah Dodson of Thrive Church Planting. We are also offering personal triad sessions following the webinar: five sessions for fifty-five minutes, the times are TBD. In these sessions Gary or Micah will work closely with you and another disciple coach on your team, processing new information and insights from the webinar, working through your personal strengths and weaknesses, and discovering your own unique and most effective way of discipleship coaching. We believe that sharing this journey with a small group, including a mentor, adds to the process and the level of personal engagement as well as grows the relationship between team members.
Take the Disciple Coach Quiz!
by Gary Reinecke | Sep 9, 2021 | Coach Training |
The last few weeks we have been looking at five shifts to make that will help empower your teenager to become mature, healthy self-led adults. We have looked at Shift #1: Talker to Listener and Shift #2: Center to Side. As a reminder, I am not an expert in parenting. But I have learned a thing or two about coaching and helping people take action towards the direction God has designed for them in life and ministry. Also, these five shifts are not limited to parenting. They relate to working with teenagers in youth groups or wherever you’re connecting with people in meaningful ways to help them take the next step on their journey to follow Jesus’ mission for their life. Let me give a bit of background so you have some context.
Shift #3: Causal Interaction to a Conversation with Purpose
One of the things we did very early with our kids was to use a coach approach whenever we could. Simply put – we used listening and asking questions versus telling. Of course, a parent must tell their child not to touch the hot stove or they can be seriously injured, but on other occasions, if the situation warranted, we tried to apply coaching technology.
This led to some very interesting conversations during their teenage years. Due to the location of our home we had three viable high school options within a 7 minute drive (10 minutes if we were in traffic). Early on in the decision-making process we decided each school was viable, had solid academics and comparable extra-curricular activities. I imagine, these are the primary priorities most parents consider when considering a public school. We had good, healthy and sometimes tense conversations about what school the kids wanted to attend. We agreed that this was a decision the kids would make. We were deliberate, discerning and prayed for wisdom along the way.
I liked the newest campus because it had all the bells and whistles that a new school in 2010 should have. Gina liked another school in particular because they offered the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. However, the kids preferred the largest school of the three: it offered the most dual enrollment courses, had the most Advanced Placement (AP) offerings and they had an amazing principal who was the founding leader with a stellar record. I discovered that dual enrollment credits transfer directly over to college which could save up to a year of tuition (I really appreciated their logic). It wasn’t the most attractive of the three options but it was not in any way deficient – so we went with this option.
Here are the things we did to move from a causal interaction to a conversation with purpose.
Key Question: How can I establish high trust?
- Build a trusting environment
- Empathy conveys that you feel what the other is feeling
- Adopt a coaching process
- Make their agenda your agenda and help them clarify a step.
- Engage with your teen
- Help them tap into their intrinsic motivation.
Below are two opportunities that can help you refine your disciple-coach skills!
5 Disciple Coach Habits webinar – Monday, October 11 from 10-3 PST
Cost: $250.00
The full package includes the webinar AND triad sessions:
Cost: $475.00
by Gary Reinecke | Sep 3, 2021 | Coach Training, Disciplemaking |
Recently, we have been looking at five shifts to make that will help empower your teenager to become mature, healthy self-led adults. Last week, we looked at the Shift #1: Talker to listener. Shift two is all about moving from the center of their lives and decision-making to the side. As a reminder, I am not an expert in parenting. But I have learned a thing or two about coaching and helping people take action towards the direction God has designed for them in life and ministry. Also, these five shifts are not limited to parenting. They relate to working with teenagers in youth groups or wherever you’re connecting with people in meaningful ways to help them take the next step on their journey to follow Jesus’ mission for their life. Let me give a bit of background so you have some context.
Shift #2 – Center to Side
One of the things we did very early with our kids was to involve them in sports. When we lived in Phoenix, Gina and I coached their respective “recreation” soccer teams. We lived in the city and the rec leagues were designed for all kids to participate regardless of athletic ability or economic situation. Our son played one summer of T-ball and we asked him not to play again (the summer heat even for an early game was suffocating) and later basketball BTW – both kids are athletic and our son is a very quick learner so new sports came easy for him. They enjoyed sports.
When we relocated to Southern California we graduated from rec leagues to competitive soccer. What the kids gained were nicer uniforms, higher calibre of coaching and players with a bit more skill. What they lost was the fun factor! For me (playing competitive soccer most of my life through my sophomore year in college at a NCAA Div I program) and Gina (elite gymnast and field hockey player in Australia with the additional bonus of studying kinesiology at university) – we had to make a hard decision and consider: Was this about us or the kids?
Our response to that question led us down the path of understanding what we cared about and hoped to instill in our kids. So we made the hard decision to tell the kids that they did not have to play a competitive sport; but in exchange they had to remain active. That meant, regular body movement. We died to ourselves and helped the kids discover activities they were passionate about!
We took ourselves out of the center and moved to the side!
This meant we had to become like Barnabas. What we discovered was that we were able to dedicate the time we had given to all-weekend tournaments and engage with the kids on hikes, camping and exploring various activities like rock climbing, mountain biking and swimming together. Today, they continue to be curious about the outdoors, learning new activities like trail running and walking the streets to explore new parts of the city while testing their skills and levels of fitness with new activities. This was the vision of what we wanted for our kids back when we made the difficult decision of making this about them – not about us.
Here are some of the things we did to make this shift in the way we parented our teenagers.
Key Question: How can I resist the temptation to force my agenda and be attuned to the other person’s agenda?
- Sacrifice your need to be the center of the conversation
o Make your teenager the focus of the conversation.
- Support your teenager to discover their next step
o Facilitate the discovery of a step for your teen to take responsibility.
- Put your assumptions, opinions, and biases in the background
o Resist the temptation to make judgements and remain curious.
Following are two opportunities that can help you refine your disciple-coach skills!
5 Disciple Coach Habits webinar – Monday, October 11 from 10-3 PST
Cost: $250.00
The full package includes the webinar AND triad sessions:
Cost: $475.00
by Gary Reinecke | Oct 22, 2020 | Coach Training |
As in the past, I want to pass-on opportunities for you to learn how to empower leaders through coaching from global thought leaders in the coach community. If you are a pastor, church planter or missionary – see if this applies to you…
Yes, I do believe we as Christians have the advantage when we coach and equip leaders how to coach other leaders because we have the capacity to rely on the Holy Spirit that others outside the Christian faith do not possess. And No, I don’t believe we know all there is to know about coaching just because we are followers of Christ. You and I have much to learn from secular leaders on the topic.
The 5 Ways to Accelerate Your Coaching Impact Masterclass featuring former Director of Executive Coaching at Google, David Peterson and Coaching Industry Pioneer, David Goldsmith is starting soon!
Have you secured your spot?
In this complimentary masterclass, you’ll learn how to:
• Engage Faster – Give your clients real value in the first 20 minutes
• Make Leaders You Coach Want More – End your first meeting strong
• Coach Effectively – Ask key questions to progress quickly with your client
• Connect Quicker – Uncover client insights swifter than you thought possible
• Produce greater value per minute – Learn when to work fast for greater impact
If you’re ready to accelerate your coach development, join me at this session.
As a thank you for registering, you’ll receive an additional bonus – the ACE Coach Note-Taking Tool. This tool enables you to stay fully present while taking notes during coaching conversations. It includes tips on how to take notes effectively while ensuring it doesn’t get in the way of building rapport.
Register for the complimentary 5 Ways to Accelerate
Your Coaching Impact LIVE masterclass today
I hope you can join this FREE webinar!
Gary Reinecke
Executive Director
by Gary Reinecke | Oct 15, 2020 | Coach Training |
As in the past, I want to pass-on opportunities for you to learn how to empower leaders through coaching from global thought leaders in the coach community.
Yes, I do believe we as Christians have the advantage when we coach and equip leaders how to coach other leaders because we have the capacity to rely on the Holy Spirit that others outside the Christian faith do not possess. And No, I don’t believe we know all there is to know about coaching just because we are followers of Christ. You and I have much to learn from secular leaders on the topic.
With that backdrop, this month, former Director of Executive Coaching at Google, David Peterson and Coaching Industry Pioneer, David Goldsmith will host a complimentary masterclass called 5 Ways to Accelerate Your Coaching Impact. I’d love for you to be my guest.
In this live masterclass, David and David will show you how to accelerate your path to more effectiveness in your coaching. You’ll discover how applying the right coaching skills in the right way can help you deliver huge impact quickly. Even for the most challenging leaders.
Get key concepts you can use in your very next coaching engagement!
Register for the Masterclass Here
If you’re interested, I recommend that you sign up right away. Coach education sessions like these often reach full capacity quickly.
Feel free to share your thoughts with me about this session. Looking forward to hearing from you.
I can’t wait to see you there!
Gary Reinecke
Executive Director