5 Questions to Help Develop Your Character

5 Questions to Help Develop Your Character

Last week I introduced the practice of Abiding in Christ. I defined it as:

“the extent to which a coach seeks the Holy Spirit’s guidance at each stage of the coaching process and how much a coach depends on God in discerning the needs of those being coached.”

Abiding in Christ is the most important of all the Christian coaching competencies. What we uncovered in our original research, documented in Christian Coaching Excellence, is that it’s the one competency that separates good Christian coaches from great Christian coaches. As we abide in Christ, we help our clients abide in Him, partnering with the Holy Spirit for greater significance in our coaching relationships, life, and ministry effectiveness.

This week I will unpack the first of five behavioral expressions that comprise Abiding in Christ.

  • Character development: Consistently cultivating godly character through the application of biblical values.

Who do you know that demonstrates Godly character?

It’s a bit of a loaded question.  It suggests that some people are living congruent lives–those individuals who knead the Scriptures into their lives have a noticeable and lasting impact. In the Old Testament, one of the reasons Job stands out is because he was tested over and over again, yet remained faithful.

Job 1:1 “There once was a man in the land of Uz named Job. The man was blameless as well as upright. He feared God and kept away from evil.”

Later, Job had this to say after losing everything (Job 1:20):

“I left my mother’s womb naked,

    and I will return to God naked.

The Lord has given,

    and the Lord has taken.

        May the name of the Lord be blessed.”

A lot more can be said about Job, but we know how the story ends. After losing everything, God blesses Job.

Job 42:12 “The Lord blessed Job during the latter part of his life more than the former.”

Job did something unique, something special, something unequaled by his peers to forge Godly character. He was obedient! In the best sense of the definition, he practiced obedience where others faltered.

Reflection Questions to Help You in Your Character Formation

Regarding your coaching journey and this particular area of development, consider these reflection questions:

  • Where are you finding success connecting with God?
  • What does not work well for you?
  • How has God wired you to connect with him?
  • Given your current stage of life, what might be some helpful ways of engaging with God?
  • What environments are conducive to connecting to God for you?
  • Journal the following:
    • When have been the times in your life when you have grown in character the most?
    • What do you think contributed to that growth?
    • What does that tell you?

Use these questions to trigger old practices that have worked in the past, new habits that you want to test to connect with God, and find someone to help you focus on your journey of ongoing growth to build Godly character.

The post Questions to help you reflect on your character development appeared first on InFocus.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

The Most Important of All Christian Coaching Competencies

The Most Important of All Christian Coaching Competencies

The Most Important of All Christian Coaching Competencies

Abiding in Christ is the most important of all the Christian coaching competencies. What we uncovered in our original research, documented in Christian Coaching Excellence, is that it’s the one competency that separates good Christian coaches from great Christian coaches. As we abide in Christ, we help our clients abide in Him, partnering with the Holy Spirit for greater significance in our coaching relationships, life, and ministry effectiveness.

I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts that I have taken this competency seriously. Primarily because in my initial 360-degree Christian Coach Assessment in November 2009, abiding in Christ was my lowest score. More recently, I’ve had a growing desire to experientially understand what spiritual formation entails and how it connects to spiritual direction. This is where the two worlds intersect–Christian coaching and spiritual direction, with abiding in Christ as the common denominator.

As a result, I am participating in a three-year cohort in the doctoral program at Fuller Seminary. Additionally, I have enlisted the services of a wonderful spiritual director who has given me the gift of listening prayer, friendship, and support. Through that relationship–and a triad I meet with every other week–I am beginning to get a glimpse into the nuances of abiding in Christ that only comes through the crucible of life and ministry. It goes beyond head knowledge into the more subtle places in our souls.

Back to the point.

Abiding in Christ deals with the extent to which a coach seeks the Holy Spirit’s guidance at each stage of the coaching process and how much a coach depends on God in discerning the needs of those being coached.

As we approach the Lenten season (March 2 – April 16), let’s not miss the opportunity to instill a renewed desire to know God as we prepare for Jesus’ resurrection. It is so easy to let this season–and the opportunity to increasingly know God–slip our attention. It is all too easy to find ourselves celebrating the Resurrection without acknowledging what comes before: Lent, a reflective and repentant seasonal journey on the church calendar.

In coaching, as we abide in Christ, we will begin to sense a higher purpose in our coaching, a lighter weight to carry, and a deepening of the souls of those we coach. The benefit to our clients? They will, hopefully, begin to think more about God and less about themselves. One among many, many benefits.


How to develop your ability to Abide in Christ?

There is not a simple answer to this question. I mentioned how I am zeroing-in on this competency above myself, but that is just my approach. Your approach will be unique to you.  If this is an area that surfaces as a growth point for you, then I would suggest you consider the Coaching Excellence GrowthTrack.

I am extending the registration date through February 15. This cohort offers a unique combination of the 360° assessment, personalized one-on-one mentoring, and webinars aimed at raising your effectiveness as a coach. We will use the newly released book Christian Coaching Excellence to guide participants along their coaching development journey.

If you are looking for a way to increase your coaching effectiveness, this is a great opportunity! And, an added bonus is the 10 hours you can apply to your coach mentoring requirement with ICF!

Pursuing ICF Certification?

Our goal is to make this the best 10 CCEUs (Continuing Christian Education Units that qualify for International Coach Federation Coach Mentor credits) you can get! Learn more at ChristianCoachingTools.com.

Registration for this cohort closes on February 15th. Do you want to explore this opportunity further? Read more HERE. Register HERE!

May God bless you as you listen to His direction for your life and ministry in 2022!

The post How to develop your ability to Abide in Christ? appeared first on InFocus.


Photo by Min An from Pexels
Coaching Excellence – REGISTER BY JANUARY 31

Coaching Excellence – REGISTER BY JANUARY 31

Back in 2007 I was launching InFocus. I remember a conversation with one of my founding board members, Linda Miller, who is a world-class coach and highly regarded in the coaching world both inside and outside the church. She is a pioneer and was influential in the establishment of the International Coach Federation (ICF). When we met, she was fully engaged with coaching for the Ken Blanchard Co. (her title, if I remember correctly, was “Global Liaison for Coaching”). She graciously accepted my invitation to be on the board, and I remember a question she asked me as I was expanding my coaching practice. She asked, “Where are you on your certification?”

  • First, I was unaware that certification was a thing.
  • Second, I was curious what was involved.

So I researched ICF and began my journey to become a credentialed coach. Over the next decade I accumulated the necessary hours of training, documented coaching hours, and navigated many exams to demonstrate my skills as a coach. In 2018 I received the highest level of certification as a Master Certified Coach.

The reason I share this is to point to the need to get better and better as a coach. Is certification necessary? That’s a question only you can answer (and one I am more than willing to discuss with you if you are interested). What I would encourage you to do is to take your coaching development seriously. The question Linda asked me was like a jolt to my system and the catalyst I needed to begin my journey.

For me, it has been a worthwhile journey as I have honed my craft through the process.  In addition, I’ve taken advantage of the 360° Christian Coach Assessment which provides “teeth” behind your coaching development by providing a baseline of your strengths and weaknesses in comparison to other coaches.

Last week I mentioned that I partnered with Dr. Bob Logan to bring you the Coaching Excellence GrowthTrack. This cohort offers a unique combination of the 360° assessment, personalized one-on-one mentoring, and webinars aimed at raising your effectiveness as a coach.  We will use the newly released book Christian Coaching Excellence to guide participants along their coach development journey.

If you are looking for a way to increase your coaching effectiveness, this is a great opportunity!

And, an added bonus is the 10 hours you can apply to your coach mentoring requirement with ICF!

Pursuing ICF Certification?

Our goal is to make this the best 10 CCEUs (Continuing Christian Education Units that qualify for International Coach Federation Coach Mentor credits) you can get! Learn more at ChristianCoachingTools.com.


Registration for this cohort closes on January 31st. Do you want to explore this opportunity further?  Read more HERE. Register HERE!

May God bless you as you listen to His direction for your life and ministry in 2022!

The post Coach development resources for experienced coaches in 2022 appeared first on InFocus.

Coaching Excellence – REGISTER BY JANUARY 31

Coach Development Resources for Experienced Coaches in 2022

Two New Coaching Insights for 2022

2022 is upon us and I imagine that, like many of us, you have a fresh, new vision for the year ahead. The Lord is using this season to refine and sharpen my own vision for coaching, helping others to become better at coming alongside new disciples, leaders, and teams to follow Jesus during a very challenging time in our culture. As I reflect on 2021, I recall story after story of leaders who are learning to navigate a very fluid season in the local church. This could be, perhaps, the most challenging season in our lifetimes.

Most recently, I was “zooming” with a group of leaders who are courageously leading their congregations during this time. We were discussing an upcoming retreat (which had been postponed from the fall) and each leader shared their “Why?” for the retreat–the real need they wanted to address. Almost in unison, they said, “To be in a space with other leaders to connect, face to face!”

I echo that sentiment!

Most leaders I speak to are living in the tension of trying to please two (or more) groups of people in their church. Inevitably, this is stressful and unsustainable. Moreover, leaders need the comfort and security that comes with being part of a community. One of my goals this year is to encourage my friends, neighbors, and clients to take the initiative to connect in meaningful ways.

This is one reason I am excited for the year ahead!

Two new coaching insights worth considering:

  1. How can we create learning communities of substance during this season while continuing to battle a pandemic?
  2. What do leaders who have completed foundational coach training need next in their development?

Without going into too much detail here, I want to share two resources with you in light of these questions.

Coaching Excellence

I partnered with Dr. Bob Logan to bring you the Coaching Excellence GrowthTrack. This cohort offers a unique combination of the 360° assessment, personalized one-on-one mentoring, and webinars aimed at raising your effectiveness as a coach.


Pursuing ICF Certification?

Our goal is to make this the best 10 CCEUs (Continuing Christian Education Units that qualify for International Coach Federation Coach Mentor credits) you can get! Learn more at ChristianCoachingTools.com.


This cohort closes on January 31st. Do you want to explore this opportunity further?  Schedule a Zoom call with me – CLICK HERE!

May God bless you as you listen to His direction for your life and ministry in 2022!


The post Coach development resources for experienced coaches in 2022 appeared first on InFocus.

Creating Healthy Habits in 2022

Creating Healthy Habits in 2022

Introducing a FREE six week series (Wednesdays at 8am PST starting January 12, 2022) specifically designed for ministry leaders!


How is your health today compared to this time last year?

Did your plans get derailed (again!) by the demands of life and ministry?

Do you feel empowered or defeated, proud or ashamed of the state of your health?

Do you have a vague sense of what you wish to change, or do you have a solid plan in place for your physical, mental, and spiritual well being in 2022?

Putting a microscope to our own habits isn’t always an easy or comfortable task. But doing it in a safe space with other sojourners can take the edge off (and take us off the edge!). Creating a plan is the first order of business, and we want to help you do just that. You are invited to the Healthy Habits Workshop – it’s completely free and designed specifically for ministry leaders!

Here’s what one pastor recently shared about his health journey:

If I am going to take care of people, the only way I can do that is if I am taking care of myself. Too many times pastors are at the beck and call of staff, congregants, and anyone who has a need, putting ourselves on the back burner.

When I began to give attention to my health I had so much more energy, my sleep was better, I was able to be more alert and present with people everyday.  

It took me from a place of feeling mentally oppressed, to feeling like I could make a difference in people’s lives.  

In this free six-week series specifically designed for ministry leaders, you will have time and space to:

    • Discover your “why?” Why do you even care to be healthy? What difference will it make to the quality of your life and ministry? What has God called you to, and how can you powerfully step into that with your mind, body, soul and strength?
    • Evaluate your current reality and discover some simple approaches to shore up areas that are holding you back and draining your energy.
    • Learn basic strategies to upgrade your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It will touch on the personal aspects of creating habits that will help you sustain what you begin. Ultimately, this is a great way to kick-off 2022.

I will be partnering with my colleague Micah Dodson (Thrive Church Planting), along with Gina Reinecke (OptaVia Health Coach) to help you create a plan to help you thrive in 2022.



WEDNESDAYS, JAN 12, 19, 26, FEB 2, 9, 16 at 8:00am PST/11:00am EST

TO REGISTER, EMAIL US AT admin@infocusnet.org


Workshops are presented in a Zoom format in weekly, one-hour sessions. The workshop is limited to 15 members to maximize interaction among the participants. We do not promote any organization or program, and we are not affiliated with a particular religious group. The presenters are volunteers who provide information and support. They are not licensed to give any medical or psychological advice in health, wellness, or other fields.

TO REGISTER, EMAIL US AT admin@infocusnet.org


How to Establish Healthy Physical Goals for 2022

How to Establish Healthy Physical Goals for 2022

You are walking through possibly the most stressful couple of years that our generation will face. Coping mechanisms were created for times like these. But they aren’t meant to become habits. When they do, I find one area that suffers is our physical health—diet and exercise. These tips for coaching for physical health may be helpful to your clients… and maybe even yourself.

It may be a stretch to connect our physical health to scripture. However, I would gently suggest that as followers of Jesus it just makes good, common sense to be in the best physical, mental, and spiritual shape as we possibly can. Not solely for our benefit or the benefit of our loved ones, but as an act of worship and service to the Master. Doesn’t it make sense to prioritize your physical self care as much as your spiritual soul care? I am not suggesting that we all need to be svelte–not at all. But I am suggesting that we strive to be the very best version of ourselves for the glory of God.

It’s no secret that your physical health impacts your mental, emotional, and spiritual development. All areas of our health are important, but as a society we’ve relegated our physical health further and further down the list of personal disciplines. And so goes our spiritual and emotional health with it! Here are some important statistics that Health and Wellness Coach, Gina Reinecke, shares with her clients:

[Tweet “As you know, your physical health impacts your mental, emotional and spiritual development. “]


Obesity is one of the most pressing health issues of our time

  • Over 70% of adults in the United States are overweight or obese, with nearly 40% of our population obese.
  • Being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing many related, often serious conditions (e.g. heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even some forms of cancer) and has a substantial economic impact.
  • The U.S. spends an estimated $190 billion on obesity-related medical conditions, and the average annual medical costs for those with obesity are over $1,400 higher compared to people in a normal weight range.
  • Other countries are also experiencing growing rates of obesity and, worldwide, obesity has nearly tripled since 1975.
  • Weight loss can help to reduce both the medical and economic impact of obesity by decreasing the risk of developing associated chronic diseases.

©2019 Medifast Clinical Studies Overview


Reasons we struggle to make physical health a priority

Some people are really good at keeping commitments to themselves in this arena. Others struggle. Here are some reasons people struggle to prioritize their physical health:

  • Laziness
  • Negative experiences
  • Accountability
  • Weather
  • Motivation
  • Accessibility
  • Vision



This is a very simple tool that was introduced by Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen, Co-Founder of OptaVia. I have modified Dr. Andersen’s tool for our purposes here, and it’s a valuable resource to apply to your physical well-being:

STOP: What do you need to stop doing?

CHALLENGE: What specific actions can you take to achieve different results?

CHOOSE: What new behavior, technique, or mindset changes will you adopt immediately?

Used with permission from Dr. A’s Habits of Health (pgs.133-137) by Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen

5 ways to break the cycle and make health a priority

I’ve always been a believer in starting wherever you are on your health journey. It’s not uncommon that I hear from friends who have maintained a rather sedentary lifestyle for a decade or more and, after seeing a YouTube video of an Adventure Race, get the idea that they should begin training for a marathon! That is not a good idea. Most likely, that person is going to get injured. Assess where you are now and start there!

  • Find activities you enjoy
  • Take baby steps–like walking your block–and then increase gradually over time
  • Take a health assessment with a health coach
  • Find a buddy to do activities you both love to do together
  • Remove one thing in your diet you are confident is causing you trouble

7 coaching questions to help guide a physical health journey:

It’s  one thing to tell a person what they need to do–it’s quite another to help them discover it for themselves. Here are some coaching questions that can help:

  1. Can you describe “why” it is important for you to focus on your physical health? Your answer(s) might be:
    • play with your grandchildren
    • go on a hike
    • outlive a parent that died prematurely
    • etc.
  2. In what ways does your “why” compel you?
  3. What does success in your health look like?
  4. Identify your greatest challenges?
  5. What changes do you need to reach your goal?
  6. Who do you know can help you on your journey?
  7. What is one simple thing you can do that will help you get started?

It’s time to focus on your health!

Introducing a FREE six week series (Wednesdays at 8am PST starting January 12, 2022) specifically designed for ministry leaders!

You are invited to the Healthy Habits Workshop Series to set the tone for 2022.  I will be partnering with my colleague Micah Dodson (Thrive Church Planting), along with Gina Reinecke (OptaVia Health Coach) to help you create a plan to help you thrive in 2022.

Healthy Habits Workshop Series



Photo by Pixabay from Pexels