by Gary Reinecke | Dec 2, 2019 | Uncategorized |
What is the state of your leadership?
One of the greatest challenges church planters and pastors face is the need for more and better leaders.
Join Micah Dodson and me for a 30-minute webinar to discuss three leadership principles to elevate your leadership development process in your church. We have a FREE info-graphic entitled, “Leadership Multiplication in your Church” that we will be sharing at the end, based on the survey data we gathered from participants last month. Please join us on Tuesday morning @ 9am PST/noon EST.
CLICK HERE to find the post on FaceBook.
by Gary Reinecke | Nov 1, 2019 | Coach Training, Leader Development, Uncategorized |
If you are a leader who desires to develop leaders around you – I would like to invite you to a unique opportunity to take your coaching to the next level! Like you, I am cautious when making recommendations.
The Foundations of Great Coaching: Start Fast Masterclass with Google’s David Peterson and Coaching Industry Pioneer David Goldsmith has begun! Yesterday, I attended the session and was honestly impressed by the content.
My main takeaway was the importance of getting to the “real work” with leaders I am coaching – quickly. I now better understand how to build strong collaborative relationships quickly, this is what sets you apart from an average, good coach. You can easily adapt what you learn to a ministry environment.
If you’re keen to learn more, you are in luck as bonus sessions have just been added due to high demand.
Reserve your spot here before the sessions are full.
By the end of the masterclass, you’ll understand how to build trust and rapport faster to achieve impactful results with leaders you serve; in less time.
Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

Are you ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? Try Gary’s free, quick “How to lead effectively” quiz to find the key areas you need to focus on and instantly access powerful resource that will inspire you to take action today. CLICK How to lead effectively!
by Gary Reinecke | Oct 25, 2019 | Coach Training, Leader Development, Uncategorized |
Starting tomorrow, you can learn live from two of the industry’s greatest thought leaders, Google’s David Peterson and ICF Co-founder David Goldsmith!
Secure your spot for this complimentary Masterclass here.
In this session, David & David will show you how to build advanced capabilities and get to the crux of client challenges in less time. This increases your confidence, helps you stand out from the crowd of good coaches, and allows you to work with clients you truly want to help.
If you’re ready to accelerate your coaching from good to GREAT, then this masterclass is for you. You’ll unlock advanced strategies and techniques that take most coaches years to learn.
Register for the no-cost Masterclass here.
It is highly recommended that you sign up right away as these sessions often reach full capacity. This training has the power to profoundly impact your coaching practice. Excited to see you there!

Are you ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? Try Gary’s free, quick “How to lead effectively” quiz to find the key areas you need to focus on and instantly access powerful resource that will inspire you to take action today. CLICK How to lead effectively!
by Gary Reinecke | Jul 29, 2019 | Uncategorized |
There is a movement going on in our world today. It is called immigration. My simple explanation of immigration is: “a movement of a group(s) of people, from one country to another”.
As a husband married to an Australian I understand the problem, to a degree; but my wife left her homeland on her own terms. The millions of displaced refugees in Europe for instance, are not leaving by choice, but for survival. That presents an opportunity for humanity and specifically, Christians to step-up.
One of my friends is doing something about the problem through the organization he serves from his adopted country – Spain. Here is a quote from a recent article that he was interviewed for in CT entitled: “Strangers in the Land of Startups” (May 23, 2019).
Rather than a job training for jobs that don’t exist, we believe in helping immigrants and refugees start their own microenterprises, or local, regional, and global companies. Brent McHugh
It takes a unique leader who has the combination of leveraging Business Acumen + Missional Integrity = Disciplemaking Movement. To the degree that he, his team and organization are able, they are influencing the trajectory of immigrants that are relocating to Europe, and beyond. If you would like to read the CT article in entirely – CLICK HERE!
by Gary Reinecke | May 7, 2019 | Uncategorized |
Since 2005 I been in regular contact with Colin Noyes from Brisbane, Australia. He has been a friend, colleague and coach. His thoughts on discipleship and disciplemaking are worth considering especially in the post-modern culture we encounter on a daily basis today.
I encourage you to read his current blog-post entitled “The Starting Point” – CLICK HERE!
by Gary Reinecke | Feb 11, 2019 | Church Growth, Church Multiplication, Leader Development, Uncategorized |
The problem church planters, pastors & leaders face is understanding the value of having a coach.
- Read this 2009 article from the Harvard Business Review entitled: “What Can Coaches Do For You?”
- If you are seeking a coach; this article provides research on the do’s and don’ts of a good coach.
- CAUTION – don’t get distracted by the context the article is written from, nor with the business-side of coaching.
If you would like to connect with InFocus please click here to schedule an appointment.