by Gary Reinecke | Jun 10, 2018 | Coach Training, Uncategorized |
Are you interested in learning more about the Church Planting Collective? I would appreciate your feedback on a good time to hold the informational webinar based on the three options available, please click here so that we can schedule the best time to meet as a group or individually. Look forward to connecting with you!
- Here is the Fall schedule for the group sessions*:
- Session #1: September 10, 2018
- Session #2: October 8, 2018
- Session #3: November 5, 2018
- Session #4: December 3, 2018


by Gary Reinecke | May 27, 2018 | Uncategorized |
I enjoy the memory of being 18 years of age in London, England and experiencing the Arsenal Football Club at the historic Highbury Stadium. The atmosphere during the matches was magical. What struck me most was the quality of the apprenticeship system that prepared players to advance to the highest level.
I’ve often asked myself, what if the local church took the challenge of developing leaders as serious as Arsenal took the challenge to develop home-grown talent? The impact for the Kingdom would be overwhelming. Some networks and churches are doing an extremely good job here. But this is an area that I believe we can improve on if we take the mandate to “make disciples of all the nations”, as Jesus intended.
InFocus has taken that challenge. In the Disciplemaking Collective we are seeing the fruit of intentional disciplemaking come to fruition. Now we are taking the next natural step – to help disciplemakers, plant churches. To accomplish this vision we’ve combined the expertise of a practicing church planter + a competent coach = a learning community. The synergy of the group experience with a coaching relationship has created an empowering experience. The relational dynamic and the learning that occur in the Collective has surpassed my expectations.
During the last 10 years I have been teaching church planting & multiplication, church health & leadership development in online environments. It was a bit clunky at first but once I learned the unique dynamics, rhythms and advantages of the online environment, I was convinced that adultly learning styles can be maximized in the online learning community, like a Collective. In fact, these learning communities can be leveraged to support leaders around the globe in ways that have not been possible in the past.
Who do you know that would benefit and contribute to a Church Planting Collective ?
I am expecting the Lord to bring the right leaders to the Church Planting Collective. Here are the two resources we will use to illustrate and facilitate the church planting process:
Attend a free webinar to hear an overview of the Church Planting Collective. Please indicate your availability by clicking here so that we can schedule the best time to meet as a group. Look forward to connecting with you!
Here is the Fall schedule for the group sessions:
- Session #1: September 10, 2018
- Session #2: October 8, 2018
- Session #3: November 5, 2018
- Session #4: December 3, 2018
*All times are: Mondays @ 3:30pm PST (4:30pm MST/5:30pm CST/6:30pm EST)




by Gary Reinecke | May 13, 2018 | Coach Training, Disciplemaking, Leader Development, Uncategorized |
What lesson can we learn from the best coaches in the world?
What do world-class; truly world-class coaches do that set them apart?
Let’s take a look at the world of professional sports and assess what coaches at the highest level do that translates into the ministyr world. For instance, take one of the most successful football coaches in European club football – Zinedane Zedane. Not only was he one of football’s greatest players of his generation; but now is approaching his team’s third European Championship in a row. A feat that has only been achieved by Bayern Munich from 1974-1976.
For our purposes, what can we extract from what Zedane does that applies to how we approach disciplemaking and leader development?
First, Zedane understands the game.
Second, he knows his players.
Third, Zedane makes the right decisions at the right time.
I realize that I am making a leap to suggest that coaching in the sport’s context can have some relevance for coaching in a ministry context; but these are worth consideration.
Let’s take that second one today – Zedane knows his players. He knows their personality, strengths and weaknesses, what motivates and demotivates, how and when to challenge. What you also sense from Zedane is, he knows how hard to challenge to get the very best from his team.
When coaching disciplemaker and leaders, it is imperative that we know the people we are empowering. What I am suggesting is that we must know what makes a disciplemaker “tick” and how to help leader’s take that difficult next step in their development. Specifically a coach must know their:
- Personality
- Strengths and Weaknesses
- Motivator and De-motivators
These are just some of the complexities of the human beings that we are called to coach to make disciples and leaders.
Here are three questions for your reflection:
- What are the personality traits of the people you coach (for disciplemaking & leader development)?
- How do you challenge different people, differently?
- How do you motivate different people, differently?
Here are two coaching resources I have found helpful to help coach introverts and extroverts:
Coaching Introverts
Coaching Extroverts
by Gary Reinecke | Apr 22, 2018 | Uncategorized |
“Humility is the single greatest and most indispensable attribute of being a team player.”
Patrick Lencioni
Listen to this interview with the author by Donald Miller – click here
What are the indications of humility?
This is an interesting list to brainstorm:
- Does not speak about themselves.
- Gives others the spotlight.
- Deflects attention.
I know the list can go on and on but these are some of the traits that come to mind.
In the football universe, Messi sets the standard. Arguably the best player on the planet. Think Michael Jordan, Tom Brady or Tiger Woods in terms of achievements – the persona he exudes is one of humility. I encourage you to watch this 8 minute video to see how Messi handles the attention he draws from fans around the world.
Consider the people you are currently developing, assess each according to their humility using a 3-point scale
- Low = always puts herself/himself before others
- Medium = willing to put others before herself/himself
- High = always puts others before herself/himself
Now consider people you want or should be developing, using the same scale.
What new insights do you have?
If you would like to process this further, please e-mail us to schedule a complimentary, 25 minute coaching conversation with Gary Reinecke.
by Gary Reinecke | Apr 18, 2018 | Coach Training, Leader Development, Personal Development, Uncategorized |
Last week I introduced three virtues of a coachable person based on Patrick Lencioni’s book entitled: The Ideal Team Player. The three virtues: Hungry-Humble-Smart are also wonderful traits of a coachable person. I will address each of these in the upcoming blogs beginning with the trait of a “hungry” person.
In case you missed it, Pep Guardiola led Manchester City to the English Premiership title last weekend. To no one’s surprise, the club completed the feat with 6 games remaining in the season. This gives them the chance to accumulate the most points ever during the course of a single season – and chances are, “Pep” will see his team reach that goal.
Beyond his desire to win is a relentless thirst to learn and be a student of the game so that he can find new ways to surprise his opponents. He is regarded as THE BEST manager in the game of football (soccer) today – and perhaps of all time. *He was the third of four children born to Valenti Guardiola, a bricklayer, and Dolors Sala and raised in a working-class home with solid family principles and a clear sense of dignity. His unquenchable thirst drives him to succeed, challenge his players and feed the wild beast within.
*If you are interested in reading more about Pep Guardiola here is the link to an article highlighting his journey that created his incredible appetite and work ethic.
When identifying leaders to coach, having a hunger to learn, continually improve and achieve, is critical to a fruitful coaching relationship. Nothing is more inspiring than a person who has the desire, that drive and grit to grind it out when hard work is required. This hunger will drive the agenda for many a coaching relationship.
Consider the people you are currently developing, assess each by their willingness to word hard using a 3-point scale
- Low = lacks drive
- Medium = solid work ethic
- High = crushes it at every opportunity
Now consider people you want, or should be developing, using the same scale.
What new insights do you have?
If you would like to process this further, please e-mail to schedule a complimentary, 25 minute coaching conversation with Gary Reinecke.
by Gary Reinecke | Apr 11, 2018 | Uncategorized |
Cristiano Ronaldo is a lot of things.
This week Real Madrid played Juventes in the second leg of a home and away series. The caption under the photo reads: Cristiano Ronaldo shows what he is made of after scoring the penalty that saved Real Madrid from Champions League humiliation against Juventus. The man is a beast on the football (soccer) pitch!
Ronaldo is a champion, he loves the BIG stage, he is THE MAN when everything is on the line. In addition, he is seldom criticized for his humility. I’ve found that humility is one of the key qualities of a coachable person in the arenas you and I minister.
What makes a person coachable? I’ve been asked this question and have thought about a concise response. Most of the time, I vett potential leaders that I am considering to coach using my intuition. Here are some of the issues I consider:
- Like-minded vision
- Like-minded values
- Like-minded expectations for coaching
- Alignment in the “x” factor(s)
- And the all important – chemistry!
In general, I believe a coachable person is one who is willing to work hard. A coachable person is teachable, that is, they desire to learn and grow. A coachable person possesses a high degree of self-awareness.
Do you coach leaders within local churches?
Do you coach leaders in church planting networks?
Do you coach leaders in mission societies?
I’ve coached leaders in the venues mentioned above at about every imaginable position, and for years I’ve had the good fortune of attracting people who fit the description of a coachable person above. When I hear leaders struggle with people they lead, supervise and develop; I’ve discovered that the three virtues Patrick Lencioni identifies in The Ideal Team Player provides a great framework to vett strong team members, employees and people you want to coach. Let me suggest the three virtues, along with a key question that I use to help vett potential leaders to coach.
Three virtues of a coachable person:
- Hungry – Is this person a hard worker?
- Humble – Is this person eager to learn?
- Smart – Is this person emotionally self-aware?
Of course, if you are leading a team and you have inherited the members of the team, you must work with the personnel you have. As a church planter, you may not have the luxury to recruit the ideal team player; but this gives you an idea of the qualities to look for. Likewise, when people approach you to coach them, these virtues along with the clarifying question can guide your decision-making process.
The three qualities were identified in The Ideal Team Player by Patrick Lencioni; and provide a helpful description of who would make a good candidate for you to coach.