I’ve struggled to describe the non-negotiables of a coachable person when training leaders in the coaching process and skills.

That is, until I read Patrick Lencioni’s book entitled, The Ideal Team Player.  I’ve blogged about the three qualities (Hungry-Humble-Smart) as it pertains to a coachable person, in the past – CLICK HERE to review previous blogs.  These are so important, easy to remember and helpful to determine if a person is a good fit.

What I did not know is that you can actually assess a person for these three qualities with a statistically reliable and valid tool – CLICK HERE to learn more.

The Harrison Assessment is capable of doing just that.  This could be a very helpful exercise to assess prospective coaching clients, potential team members or as a developmental tool for people already on your team.  Honestly, to have people see where they assess on the three qualities could be a humbling exercise, as well as a great way to help leaders surface blind spots.  I’m always looking for new ways to come alongside leaders to help them go further faster.

If you would like to chat about this or other Harrison assessments, please CLICK HERE to schedule an appointment with Gary and discuss how The Harrison Assessment might further your mission to pre-qualify future staff hires & church planters, assess existing staff and develop your leaders.



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