For the last year, I’ve been learning about Disciple Making Movements (DMM). The model comes under a variety of names like Training 4 Trainers (T4T) and Life Transformation Groups (LTG); but the goal is the same = disciples making disciples. Many leaders and mission agencies have applied the approach and adapt it to their context. My contribution has been developing leaders in the strategic skiils of coaching.

Three core practices drive DMM.

Personal Discovery: Discovery (inductive) Bible Study is used to guide the self-discovery process.


Immediate Obedience: Through the discovery Bible study participants are challenged to identify an action step they can take in the following week to apply what they learn.


Consistent Replication: Reproduction is the fruit of the discipleship process, multiplying into the third and fourth generation.

Here are three questions to assist you in creating a similar process in your context:

  1. What are the bare essentials to make disciples?
  2. What obstacles are hindering disciples from making disciples?
  3. How can you simplify the disciple-making process to reproduce into the third and fourth generations?

For more information, view the Discipleship Making Movements video.


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