What do you provide those you lead?

When you coach those you lead, you have the opportunity to help them focus.  Whether you are helping them:

  • see where they fit in a larger vision
  • understand where they are in the mission God has entrusted
  • take the next step to help them clarify a vision God is revealing to them

Focus is the gift you give to those you are developing, influencing, empowering.

I am in Hong Kong as I write this blog – training leaders who are making disciples and planting churches in under-served and under-reached regions of our world. These leaders are learning how to coach leaders and spark discipleship making movements (DMM).  My job is to help them understand how coaching compliments their disciplemaking efforts.

I like to use the analogy of a train track.  Think of one rail representing the “strategic” (DMM in this instance) aspect and the other rail representing the “relational” (coaching) aspect.  Together, these two rails provide a path for leaders to travel – keeping the focus on fueling a movement of making more and better disciples.  When you have an effective strategy in conjunction with a comprehensive coaching process, you can help keep leaders focused.

Remember the gift you are giving away.  What systems do you use in conjunction with coaching?


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