A real problem I am experiencing in leading our small group is keeping people engaged in the disciplemaking process. Not just because we are doing this remotely but also because discipleship is hard work. Can you relate to any of the following challenges that lead to Mission Drift:
- busy schedules
- family responsibilities
- recreation
- financial obligations
- work pressure
Many times we stall-out in our development and it is easy to go through the motions and maintain vs. doing the hard work of making disciples, who make disciples.
How does that translate into the leadership roles of church planting, lead pastor or as a pastoral staff member of a church? The problem of making disciples grows exponentially with increasing scopes of care. It is one thing to disciple a small group. It is quite another to be charged with discipling multiple groups. Or an entire congregation.
The task of making disciples that make disciples is as critical today as it was 2,000 years ago. In the midst of giving leadership in a local church it can be lost in the tyranny of the urgent. I invite you to watch an interview with Ty Davis of Tulare Community Church below. He highlights the challenges he faces in his role on church staff, the struggles he encounters as he reorients his focus on making disciples and the benefits of being part of the Leadership Collective.
If you would like more information on the LEADERSHIP COLLECTIVE – Missional Discipleship – please CLICK HERE.
Covid-19 UPDATE
InFocus will do everything within our ability to meet and exceed regulations so people are safe, remain healthy and have a peace of mind. If we believe it is in the best interests of everyone involved we will move the live, face-to-face event in La Jolla to a virtual Zoom event. We will communicate the adjusted cost and the modified agenda with all interested participants.