Just before the “lock-down” occurred we launched the Leadership Collective 2020. We met for two days to discuss a comprehensive leadership development pathway to multiply leaders with pastors, church planters and a regional leader (from a denominational network). Since then we have been processing how to refine their leadership pipeline in triads and webinars, beginning with their disciplemaking process. Little did we understand what new challenges we would encounter just a week or two later.
One of the major shifts leaders are encountering who are engaging people is the critical ability to listen more and ask thought-provoking questions. Simply sharing information will engage some people at a certain level, but to truly connect with people on a heart level, leaders are adopting a coach approach. We’re seeing this more and more as churches go online e.g. chat conversations.
That’s why I’m a firm believer that continued coach training is crucial for long-term success in ministry.
As I’ve shared with you in the past, I’ve had an amazing experience attending WBECS – the World Business and Executive Coach Summit. A coach approach isn’t good just for business leaders – it is good for ministry leaders as well! I highly recommend that you take a look at this year’s inspiring lineup and register for their complimentary Pre-Summit classes.
If I could only choose five sessions that would help you in your leadership development, here are the five I’d recommend:
- Easy Change vs Hard Change, Michael Bungay Stanier – Tuesday, May 26th, 2020 6AM PST/9AM EST
- Coach-Led Q&A: Team Coaching, David Clutterbuck & Peter Hawkins – Thursday, May 28th, 2020 6AM PST/9AM EST
- Coach-Led Q&A, Ken & Madeleine Blanchard – Friday, May 29th, 2020 10AM PST/1PM EST
- Neuro-Axiology – Adding Value to Your Coaching with Game-Changing Insights from Mind-Brain-Value Science, Peter Demarest – Tuesday, June 16th, 2020 6AM PST/9AM EST
- Coach-Led Q&A With Marshall Goldsmith: Coaching in the New World, Marshall Goldsmith – Wednesday, June 17th, 2020 2PM PST/5PM EST
Registration for the Pre-Summit is now open. View the full WBECS speaker lineup and secure your complimentary seat today. The Pre-Summit begins on May 26th. Register for over 40 live online classes – all completely pitch-free and focused on giving value. Register here for the complimentary Pre-Summit sessions before they’re full.
Excited to see how you enjoy the sessions! I promise you will find this incredibly valuable.

Gary Reinecke
Executive Director