I am passionate about learning and studying other disciplines in society. Then extract the principles to apply to life and ministry. Here is an example from the arena of health coaching with questions to ask yourself to enhance the way you reproduce disciples and leaders.
My wife Gina is a health coach. She helps people “lose it” every day. She works for a company committed to leadership development that provides training combined with mentoring relationships. In the photo above you see four generations of health coaches beginning with Gina (far left). Each person has experienced the process of gaining optimal health by participating in a simple, reproducible program.
Following is a timeline of their development:
- Generation #1: Gina (in 24 Gina empowered the next generation & reproduced herself)
- Generation #2: Susan (far right – 16 months until Susan reproduced)
- Generation #3: Rebecca (second from left – 4 months until Rebecca reproduced)
- Generation #4: Mike (in process)
This is what I observed from Gina’s experience:
The first generation took more time to acquire the skills and pass those onto the second generation. But once the second generation experienced the way “the program” works, it took less time because they had sifted through the essentials to pass on to the next generation. Through that sifting process, the third generation took far less time to reproduce.
Here are some questions that might help you reflect on your disciplemaking and leadership development process.
- What non-essentials get in the way of making disciples or developing leaders?
- What steps are missing that would enhance what you are doing?
- How can you accelerate the process of reproducing disciples and leaders into the 3rd and 4th generation?
One insight I leave with from this experience is the importance of laying a solid foundation with the right DNA from the very beginning. Another insight is the value of solid training and support. When the 1st. generation reproduces into the 2nd., 3rd. and 4th. generations; they will resemble the 1st. generation. Finally, when the right DNA is in the seed, then the fruit of reproduction is multiplication!