Previously, I alluded to our Leadership Collective 2000 and presented 4 Basic Building Blocks of Disciplemaking – CLICK HERE. Since then I have been working with Glenn Spyksma to brainstorm reflection questions under each of the Disciple-Making Building Blocks (DMbb).
Disciplemaking is a spiritual process with very real actionable steps. I use the term, Disciple Coach for the disciplemaker because it is more descriptive of the role of the disciple who makes disciples in our world today. Here are three benefits of Building Block #4 – Accountability.
The Power of Strategic Accountability:
- Accountability helps the Disciple Coach keep the main thing, the main thing.
- Accountability helps the Disciple Coach learn from real experience.
- Accountability helps the Disciple Coach in-motion.
Following are the reflection questions that you can use as a Disciple Coach to have a discipleship cycle (not a process)
Reflection Questions
DMbb #4 Accountability
- With God
- What are you learning about God?
- How do you know when you are doing the things God has called you to do as a disciple coach?
- With yourself with grace
- How am I prioritizing life events as a disciple coach?
- What am I not doing that I know I should be doing?
- With those God has entrusted to you
- What do you do to process set-backs with a disciple when their good intentions don’t produce the intended fruit?
- What progress are you observing with the disciples you are coaching on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis?
- How do you celebrate a disciple’s progress when they take action?
- With trusted mentors
- What do you do to process missed opportunities as a disciple coach?
- How do you celebrate your progress when you take action as a disciple coach?
A resources to help Disciple Coaches stay in motion
Making Disciples Coaching Guide: this includes a brief explanation of each of the locations on the „map“ accompanied by reflection questions for use by the Disciple Coach OR used in the context of a coaching relationship (see the explanation below) – CLICK HERE.
The best way to use the 4 DMbb
- Meet with a disciple coach or a group of disciple coaches.
- Use the 4 DMbb as an assessment – help the disciple coach identify which one they need to focus on today
- Depending on which of the four the disciple coach identifies, help them further reflect on the specific aspect they need to focus – see expanded list CLICK HERE
That will set the stage for a spiritual discernment process to determine the disciple coach’s next steps. Use the reflection questions above, in addition to the questions we present under the remaining DMbb presented in future blogs to facilitate the conversation. Help the disciple coach is to stay in motion by taking the next step in their journey to make disciples that make disciples.